Shaping the Crust (1/7)

Preheat your oven to 425 F. Remove one half of the dough from the fridge and lay it out on a lightly floured surface. Dust your rolling pin with flour and evenly roll the dough out into a 12 inch circle about 1/8 inch thick. Gently lift the dough (use the dough scraper to help if the dough has become stuck) and place into a 9 inch round pie plate. Pat down gently. Fill with prepared filling.

cream pie cream pie cream pie

Shaping the Crust (2/7)

Take the second half of the dough and roll it out the same as the first. Using a sharp knife, cut the dough into long strips approximately 1-inch wide. You can use a ruler to help you measure, or cut against it to help give you a nice straight line. Working left to right, take every other strip of dough and lay it across the pie top in the same direction approminately 1 inch apart.

cream pie cream pie cream pie

Shaping the Crust (3/7)

Fold every other strip on the pie half way back. Take one of the remaining strips and lay it perpendicular to the ones currently laying on top of the pie. Unfold the strips again so that they lay flat. This is the start of the lattice weave. You could also just lay the strips across, but the weave is just as quick and easy, and it looks so professional!

cream pie cream pie cream pie

Shaping the Crust (4/7)

Fold back the strips that you had previously left straight and lay down another strip perpendicular just as before. Leave about an inch spacing between. Now unfold the strips. Repeat this process until you have completed a woven pattern across the entire pie. Trim the excess pastry back leaving about a 1/2 inch overhanging the edge of the plate.

cream pie cream pie cream pie

Shaping the Crust (5/7)

Crimp edges to seal the crust. Apply a thin layer of egg white to the crust (this will make it golden brown) and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Wrap edges of crust with foil and bake on center oven rack at 425 F for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 F and bake for 40-50 minutes or until golden brown and apples are soft. Remove foil edges halfway through baking.

cream pie cream pie cream pie

Congratulations! (6/7)

You have just made your first pie! So what comes next? Let's see...

cream pie

Review (7/7)

You can review what you’ve learned by taking our quiz below. If your pie didn’t turn out quite right, then have a look at our fix-its section to see what went wrong. Or if your pie was perfect, browse our recipes and see what pie you’d like to make next!

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